Make Your Product Programmable
Your team builds builds a new product feature. Let’s say it’s a system that moves money from a bank account to another (sorry, I spent too much time in FinTech). Your feature is such a success, that other teams want to use the same primitives. Unfortunately, all your code has been built in private scopes, and your team doesn’t have the bandwidth to polish it up for external use; after all your OKRs are around customer satisfaction and revenue generation, not internal company happiness....
Treat products like platforms, treat platforms like products
During my career, I’ve covered the full gamut of product and platform roles, from front-end features users interact with, to building business logic primitives other teams would interact with, to testing libraries, to wrangling with kubernetes down to (bad) attempts at debugging syscalls. While my experience is not particularly unique, I did find myself wondering why some of the product teams I’ve interacted with don’t apply some basic patterns of platform management that would benefit them, and viceversa....